What is Improv Training?
Jimmy's improv training consists of a series of interactive exercises designed to get everyone to contribute so ideas flow. The exercises encourage everyone to share the same goal and play by the same rules. And guess what? Participants learn that by working together, they can create something beyond their wildest dreams. It's the same thing great teams use to win Super Bowls, but with a different approach.
What to Expect?
Improv training is not a lecture. It is experiential learning. It’s also a lot of fun, and people will enjoy themselves and hopefully laugh a lot. Participants will learn to say “Yes, and…” to other people’s ideas and build something better together than they could alone. By working this way, people will feel heard and valued, while building a team that they can rely on.
What does a workshop look like?
Let me create something special for your organization. Workshops can be tailored for many different objectives: ideation, brainstorming, team building, creativity, and listening. I have worked with organizations in a variety of industries, and each workshop is custom-created to fit your organization's needs.