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Finding the Funny in Your Story


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Finding The Funny In Your Story:
A Storytelling Workshop Using Improv

Nov. 21, 2020

Do you tell stories and you know they could be funnier? Would you like to be a stronger performer? If you want to be a truly engaging storyteller, you need to learn how to have more fun in your performance and get out of your head.

In this 2.5-hour virtual workshop, you will learn some of the basic concepts of improvisation and how you can apply them to your storytelling to become a stronger writer and performer. In the first half of this workshop, we will play a series of improv games and exercises that promote both vulnerability and playfulness. In the second half of the workshop, each storyteller will have the opportunity to get in front of the group and tell a 3-minute story, learning how to make their piece more comedic and in some cases more honest. You will be taught how to get and give feedback on your performance, as well as solid ideas to help your piece be even more funny.

Please have a 3-minute story that you are familiar with that you would like to work on in the workshop.


All workshops are held via Zoom from 1-3:30 p.m. Central Time

Nov. 21, 2020 -- Only $107 if you register by Nov. 7! ($127 after)

Once you register there are no refunds or transfers for this workshop.


[av_button label='Sign Up -- Nov. 21, 2020' link='manually,https://jimmycarrane.com/product/finding-the-funny-in-your-story-online-workshop-nov-2020/' link_target='' size='small' position='center' label_display='' title_attr='' icon_select='yes' icon='ue812' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-hiejro' id='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']

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What past students are saying:


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"Jimmy Carrane is incredible! He helped shape my pieces with the right combination of comedy and poignancy! Difficult to do, but with Jimmy’s expertise in understanding the elements of a great story, my pieces had a dimension that I couldn’t have crafted on my own."
Anne Purky


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“Jimmy really helped me shape my performance to make it outstanding! His patient and gentle feedback gave me the confidence to perform at my fullest potential. I really enjoy working with him and would highly recommend anyone at any level to work this gifted coach.”
Mike Checuga


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