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My 3 Wishes for Improvisers in 2024

December 21, 2023
Jimmy Carrane

As we come to the end of this year, I have 3 wishes I'd like to make for all improvisers in 2024.

1. Slow Down

Slow down on stage and in life. When we slow down, we feel our feelings. Feeling leads to more creativity and a deeper connection with the improvisers on stage and the audience. We are told in improv to be in the moment, and I can tell you from experience that it is easier to be in the moment when you are going slow.

I re-learn this every time I go on a walk with my 7-year-old daughter. Usually, it takes us 10 minutes to walk one block. She will stop on the way to study a stick on the ground, and it becomes the most important thing in her life. She has no agenda, she is making discoveries. My wish for you is that you, too, will be able to show down in your improv and your life to make discoveries like a 7-year-old.

2. Fail More

You cannot have success without lots and lots of failure. Bombing is the best way to learn comedy, in stand-up, in sketch and improv. Bombing makes you a stronger performer. So, next year, take more risks on stage, make bolder choices. If you don't do characters, try doing some characters. If you are afraid to edit, edit more. Whatever you have not done last year, let's see it this year. And even if you bomb, and I hope some of the time you do, you will be getting stronger regardless of audience’s response. Here's to more bombing, which means even more success in 2024.

3. Be More Generous

In 2024, my hope for you is that you will try to be more generous, both on stage and off. When I started doing improv, I was so insecure I just wanted to get laughs. Today, yes, I still want to get laughs, but I’ve also realized how important it is to do good scene work, so my teammates can play, too. And sometimes that means being generous to others and letting them get the laugh.

Off stage, try to be more generous to others with compliments and be kind to people even if you don't want something from them. You don’t necessarily have to overdo it – sometimes giving too much to other people can drain us of our own energy and resources. But being a bit more generous, especially in ways that don’t cost money, can make you feel better about yourself.

One tip I like to use when I am giving of my time or money is to ask myself if I do it, will I have a resentment? If the answer is no, then do it. If the answer is yes, then don’t.

So, in 2024, ask yourself, how can you be a little more generous, both on stage and off?

What wishes do you have for yourself for the coming year? I'd love to hear about them in the comments below.

Want to jumpstart your improv in the new year? Sign up now for Jimmy's Two-Person Scene Tune-Up in Aurora on Jan. 6!

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