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Six Ways You Can Feel Like a Star Right Now!

September 17, 2014
Jimmy Carrane

We all deserve to be treated like a stars. And if you are waiting for someone or some big, magical job or a part in a show to give you permission to act like a star, you’ve got it all wrong. Nobody is going to treat you like a star until you start treating yourself like one first.

Treating yourself like a star is about attitude, about believing you’re good enough to be seen. It’s an especially good thing to feel like before you go on stage or head into an audition.

Sometimes, I think for me it's more important to “act” like a star than to actually be one. More will be revealed on this one as the data comes in. If you think I am crazy and think my suggestions are ridiculous because you don’t have enough money to treat yourself like a star, then please stop reading immediately, because this blog is not for you. If you are up for it, here are 6 things you can do to feel like a star.

  1. Dress like a star
    To dress like a star in improv does not take much. You think this would be easy, but so many improvisers come to a show in wrinkled shirts, dirty jeans and shoes with busted laces. They look more homeless than performer. It does not take much to groom yourself a little and put on clean clothes. If you can, go out and buy a nice pair of pants and shirt and call them your “show clothes” and wear them only for that purpose.When I taught at Second City, Keegan-Michael Key used to show up all dressed up to teach his improv classes. And I was like “What is the point? Why are you getting dressed up for the students?” Guess what? He is now a star.
  1. Order a fancy coffee drink
    Before you head into an audition, splurge on something that will make you feel special, like a fancy coffee drink at Starbucks. Get the extra shot of vanilla or the caramel macchiato – whatever feels like a treat – and swagger into that audition in style.
  1. Do you something small for yourself that makes you feel like a star
    When I fly out of town to do improv workshops, before I board the plane I stop to get my shoes shined in the airport. It only costs ten bucks with tip, but it makes me feel like a star. When I teach improv classes, I buy tiny black moleskin notebooks (they are not cheap, $18, but they make me feel like a star in the classroom).
  1. Make a rock star request
    If you have the opportunity to get hired for a gig, make a small request that will make you feel like you’re star. When I host live auctions or charity events, I ask for a bottle of lime or lemon Perrier, just for fun. When I acted in a music video for my friend, Tony Rogers, I asked him if he would write and record a theme song for Improv Nerd in exchange. When I go out of town, I ask for a small extra fee for meals on top of my teaching fee.
  1. Sign autographs and take pictures after a show
    When people come up to you after a show and tell you that you did a good job, ask them if they’d like to take a picture with you. If they ask you to autograph something, do it. I used to be really uncomfortable when people used to ask me to sign my book, but now I really try to imagine myself as a huge star when I do it, and it feels great.
  1. Hire a Lincoln town car to drive you to your gig
    I have done this, and let me tell you, even though it costs a fair amount of money, you feel amazing. I also have a friend, Dave, who is a limo driver and sometimes I can great deal from him, sometimes not. I have had him drive me from my house to the workshop I was teaching and when he dropped me off in front of the theater I felt like I was Tony Robbins. If you can't swing the money for a Lincoln Town Car, a cab may do the trick if you usually take public transportation. Or have one of your friends pick you up and sit in the back seat.

How do you like to feel like a star? I’d love to hear your tips in the comments section.

Jimmy's Advanced Art of Slow Comedy is a performance-level class with a strong ensemble component.  It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.  Advanced starts October 25 (Saturdays) and October 27 (Mondays).  Class size is limited to 10, so act now!

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3 comments on “Six Ways You Can Feel Like a Star Right Now!”

  1. I wore a tux in our last 5b show and wore a red silk smoking jacket for the party afterwards. I'm with you, Jimmy! (But I took the bus home.)

  2. When I am out of town on a shoot, I try to find time to go sightseeing, even for an hour, like walking in a garden or see something special to the area. I feel special knowing I have a gig to go to and somehow the time feels really present. I allow myself to take it all in and be in the moment and that makes me feel like a star.

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