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6 Tips for Getting Relaxed Before a Show

April 19, 2017
Jimmy Carrane

In her wonderful book, Presence, author Amy Cuddy asks actor Julianne Moore what presence is for an actor. Moore answers: "The key to presence -- and this is one thing they tell you in school -- is relaxation."

When I first starting out taking improv classes, I cannot tell you how frustrated I was that I could be loose and funny when I was hanging out with my friends, but as soon as I got into class or on stage I would become scared and stiff. It took me awhile to figure out what was wrong. The reason was simple: In social situations with my friends I was relaxed. I wasn’t tense or putting pressure on myself. I could just be myself.

Among my friends, I had a built-in trust and support that didn’t translate to the group of strangers in my improv classes. It took me years to act as comfortable on stage as I was in my real life. Today, the more relaxed I can be for a show, for an interview for the podcast, or for an audition, the better I seem to do. When I'm relaxed, I'm able to have more fun, which always leads to a better outcome.

Unfortunately, being relaxed isn’t something most improvisers even consider. They are too busy running around from their day job to a show, to a rehearsal, to class and back to another show. They tell themselves, “I am so busy that I don't have time to relax.” Then they wonder why they are not farther along in their careers.

Being relaxed is not just a state of mind -- it takes work to be relaxed. You cannot show up two minutes before your group is going to go on stage and expect to be relaxed. It doesn’t work that way. We are not machines; we are artists with very sensitive wiring.

To help you be as relaxed as possible for your shows, classes, rehearsals and auditions, I’ve come up with a few tips I’d like to share with you:

  1. Show up on time or even early
    This is so simple, I keep forgetting to do it myself. Show up for your next class or audition or show 10 minutes before you are supposed to be there and see how much of a different experience you have.
  1. Create a little ritual before the show
    I have seen people pray or stretch or meditate or listen to music on their iPhone to get in the right head space to go out and perform.
  1. Get a good night’s sleep
    If you are tired, you will never be relaxed.
  1. Drink plenty of water
    I said water. Not Red Bull, not draft beer, not Diet Coke. Water.
  2. Eat healthy
    Grabbing McDonald’s before a show will leave you sluggish on stage. There is a difference between being relaxed and being in a food coma.
  3. Take care of yourself the day of the show
    Don't be running around doing too much the day of the show. If you have day job, pace yourself and figure out a time when you can decompress after work. Take yourself out to a quiet dinner. Meditate. Go to the health club. Taking a nap, shower, or bath seems obvious, but those are also great ways to increase relaxation before a show, class or audition.

If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to add to the list by adding to the comments below!

Looking to up your improv game this summer? Don't miss one of Jimmy's Art of Slow Comedy Intensives! Happening July 15-16, July 29-30 and Aug. 19-20. The Early Bird Special is only $229. Sign up today!

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3 comments on “6 Tips for Getting Relaxed Before a Show”

  1. If I feel nervous or nauseous or clammy or shaky, I remind myself that it's just my body preparing me for a challenging experience and that reaction is natural and valuable. I take a moment to feel glad about that (even if I also feel like I could throw up at any moment) and then try my best to regard the nervous feelings as excited feelings. 😊

  2. Obviously I don't want to be scared or stiff. But I feel being a little nervous is a good thing. So i stretch and also try to get in synch with my performance partner. But i accept a little nerves as part of the process. Once i am on stage doing improv I am into my character and nerves and self consciousness seem to disappear. I can't say that the audience always totally disappears but for the most part they are not what I am aware of while performing. so my advice is not to get stressed about being a little nervous it is normal. When you hit the stage you will disappear into you character and the nerves will go away. If they don't focus on your partner, listen and respond. The more you get into it the less nervousness you will feel. I know they say to let everything go before you get on stage , but sometimes not always I find the emotions I have accumulated during the day I can let flow into my characters and it it actually works. But maybe I am different then most people with that.

  3. This was so helpful! I enjoy you and your blog so much. I've always thought about fear as the thing that I'm wrestling with before performing, so this info helps expand my repertoire of how to take good care. p.s. I've taught beginner's improv classes and we'd have a showcase in our last class. The students would get so wild with fear. I used to say to them, "It's only terror!" And they would laugh and laugh, which was the point.

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